War for the End

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Revision as of 19:49, 9 July 2021 by Jusipat (talk | contribs)
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The War for the End was a military conflict between Ancapium and the inhabitants of Lil' Mike Heights over the control of the Stronghold and access to the servers End Portals. The short conflict ended in a decisive victory for Ancapium and its allies. Securing total access to the End and forcefully ending the Anarcho-Primitivist movement that came from Lil' Mike Heights.

Battle of Ancapium

Ancapium lay undefended while players flufyking and jusipat were preparing to enter the Nether to trade for ender pearls at a nearby Bastion and additionally seeking as much gold as possible to enter the Bastion safely. While Ancapium lay undefended player Cflip_ entered and planted traps under the Town Hall of Ancapium and rigged the R.W.R. Concrete Plant to explode. jusipat sought that Ancapium may be in peril and rapidly left flufyking's base to protect Ancapium. Player jusipat sucessfully extracted the mines from the Town Hall and saw Cflip_ within the city limits. Cflip_ taunted jusipat by buring 17 gold blocks in front of him, which lead jusipat to make the first move in striking Cflip_. The engagement was short but fierce as Cflip_ attempted to flee into the nearby sea and swim away, but jusipat caught up to him on a boat and ended his life. The TNT found at the R.W.R. plant was found one day later, and was safely extracted.


After the short Battle of Ancapium, Cflip_ conceded his belongings at Lil' Mike Heights to jusipat and decided to start anew in the desert.