Pushkino Civil War

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Pushkino Civil War
Part of Fvonny's 3

The peace settlement on Summit Hill.
Date: June 26th, 2021
Location: Pushkino
Result: Signed peace treaty
Territory changes: Formation of Ancapium
Pushkino Ancap Rebels
Ghostrider300 jusipat
2 deaths, destruction of People's Tower 5 deaths, one destroyed base

The Pushkino Civil War was an armed conflict between Pushkino loyalists and Ancap Rebels.

After the Pushkino Revolution peacefully usurped the previous Anarcho-Capitalist order, it was apparent that there may be rumblings of civil unrest and separatism from the lower strata in the new Pushkino social order. This was proven by jusipat's violent and fearful reaction to seeing the new flags of Pushkino for the first time upon reentering the server. These fears did not materialize however, and following the peaceful Pushkino Revolution all citizens outwardly sided with the new regime.

Following the construction of the Workers' Joy Apartment building, unspoken tensions began to increase, former Ancap state-flags went missing and were secretly distributed around the town to citizens sympathetic to the Anarcho-Capitalist legacy. jusipat began to start fomenting revolution within Pushkino and attempted to gather allies, he gathered players Kjolt947 and newly joining Mathooleus to follow him in his efforts.

Sheep Incident

jusipat engaged in an act of petty vandalism and subterfuge against the state in order to send a message to the Pushkino government officials by dying the blue colored sheep used for Pushkino flags and other paraphernalia yellow in a symbolic effort to show that resistance to the new regime was real and growing. He chose a time that lined up with Cflip_ being able to see him, but also at a time where bcfoss was just exiting the sheep farm, causing great confusion in who really did commit the act.

The pitfall from this incident is considered to be the flame that sparked the Pushkino Civil War. The civil war was not fought over large battles but via terror, misusing the preexisting Pushkino justice systems and intrigue. But even though there were no large battles, it still remains the bloodiest conflict ever fought on the server.

Following Actions

  1. Cflip_ enters jusipat's apartment and tries to kill him for the sheep incident, jusipat wins the combat and holds Cflip_'s possessions in his apartment.
  2. Cflip_ attacks bcfoss' base as he believed he was at fault for the sheep incident. This prompts quick reaction from bcfoss and he threatens further violence. This never materializes.
  3. jusipat places white banners in front of Cflip_'s house. Cflip_ places the banners inside jusipat's apartment. jusipat attacks and kills Cflip_ and tears up his carpet in an attempt to frame him.

Kjolt947's Arrest

Shortly after the conflict in the apartment building, Kjolt947 was spotted using Cflip_'s enchanting table. Cflip_ was suspicious, so he started tearing down his bookshelves to thwart Kjolt's enchanting efforts. Kjolt947 subsequently killed Cflip_. A kill-on-sight order was then placed on Kjolt947 by Ghostrider300. Kjolt947 was immediately brought to the town square and burned at the stake. While he was being burned, he attempted to escape by breaking out. This was not successful. After his futile attempt at escaping, Wikaros took an axe to his head.


Following the execution of Kjolt947, authorities in Pushkino realized the potential for a larger plot underway, and they moved to extinguish it.

The burning People's Tower during Kjolt947's attack.

jusipat's Arrest

The day after the attacks, jusipat was invited to visit the bank and to critique the new additions to the lobby. This was a ploy to gather him in a room surrounded by Pushkino forces. Upon jusipat's answer, Ghostrider300 responded with "you know what I think? I think you're under arrest." jusipat was compliant and followed them into the court room for the beginning of his trial.

Trial Pre-recess

jusipat being read his accused crimes.

jusipat was brought into court to answer for his crimes with bcfoss acting as his lawyer. As jusipat's transgressions were read out to him, he was silent. After hearing the charges brought against him, jusipat had to leave the server to visit his grandparents. The trial was called into recess for the time being.

Kjolt's Strike

As jusipat logged back into the server and the trial resumed with jusipat's charges being read out, Kjolt947 suddenly set fire to the People's Tower, the calligraphy banner, and the unfinished railway station. Once the first part of the trial ended, citizens left the building and spotted Kjolt, who tried to shoot them down with a bow and arrow. Kjolt947 failed to escape and was killed by Wikaros. Kjolt947's attack did moderate symbolic damage, though all that was destroyed were easily replaceable flammable blocks. Kjolt947 later admitted this was a suicidal terror strike sanctioned by jusipat while the forces of Pushkino were distracted with the trial.

Trial Post-recess

Once jusipat returned, the trial resumed. The charges were went over once again, and jusipat plead insanity to some and sarcastically admitted to others. He accidentally admitted to the existence of a secret Ancap base under Pushkino, which the forces of Pushkino had found. This gave great credence to the prosecution's claims. jusipat realized he would most likely not escape the results of the trial alive. Before any punishment could be carried out, jusipat broke a nearby window and used an ender pearl to escape into the forest and ran away. He was chased by the authorities of Pushkino but managed to escape. With his escape the Ancap rebels began to reorganize and rearm as he joined back with Kjolt947.

Bombings and Controversy

During this calamitous period, GuerillaFighter joined the server. This simple event would lead to extreme controversy and a grand rearmament of Pushkino under the guise of national security followed. GuerillaFighter set to causing as much chaos in Pushkino as he could. Numerous continual attacks GuerillaFighter carried out were believed to have come from the Ancap rebels. Player GuerillaFighter engaged in several trading missions that bore no fruit, he thus struck the high seas in order to find his fortune. After locating multiple shipwrecks he followed lost pirate maps to extreme wealth. This wealth left him with a desire for power and his inability to comprehend the cutthroat nuances of Pushkino politics and the fear of taxation filled him with a resentment of the state. He resolved to frame the rebels as cold blooded terrorists by bombing the Pushkino bank and apartment complexes under their name. He remained in the shadows while the civil war was raging, sowing mayhem and distrust.

Pushkino discovers Ancap Bunker

Following the escape of player jusipat back to the secret rebel base it was deemed necessary to relocate as the current Ancap hideout was within close proximity to Pushkino. jusipat began scoping out the location for a permanent Ancap settlement just before logging off, while his rebel compatriot was still hidden in the old bunker and was ordered to clean house, destroy anything of value and evacuate as soon as possible. While this was happening a witchhunt lead by Ghostrider300 and Wikaros sought and eventually found the base, player Kjolt947 had sneakily dug his way through the walls of the base and escaped to the surface whilst they finished pillaging and booby-trapping the hideout with explosives.

Pushkino Bombing

Player jusipat logged on the next day and returned to the hideout, finding it booby-trapped he defused the mines and began to plant the TNT under Pushkino buildings in retaliation. This action was seen as controversial because only Ghostrider300 and jusipat were online, while jusipat planted TNT under buildings created by multiple offline players in Pushkino. Player Kjolt947 was mistakenly temporarily banned for this and it caused great controversy. jusipat justified his bombings by citing that neither him nor player Mathooleus_ were online at the time of the bombing of their hideout. This attack eventualy lead to the enforcement of the sometimes controversial sign-rule.

Peace Negotiations

Main article: Treaty of Pushkino

The signatories of the Treaty of Pushkino.

After the constant bombings, trials and warring the rebels were exhausted. They had unsuccessfully attempted to garner support within Pushkino and failed to mobilize what little support they had at opportune times. It became increasingly apparent that the forward operating base that the rebels used to conduct their war operations was becoming their permanent settlement. Thus Ancapium was founded and the reasons for continuing the war became less pressing.

Summit Meeting

Player jusipat asked Cflip_ to meet at Summit Hill to begin negotiations for peace. Terms were tepidly proposed and politely refused during this time, clearly showing both sides wish for a coming peace.

Colloseum Fight

The symbolic end to the civil war, player flufyking and Kjolt947 fought as champions on behalf of Pushkino and Ancapium respectively. The fight lasted 12 rounds and flufyking won handily.

Peace Treaty

The Treaty of Pushkino was signed on Summit Hill by the following players, jusipat, cflip_, Wikaros, flufyking, Kjolt947, and Ghostrider300. This historic moment marked the end of the Pushkino Civil War and the official foundation of the independent state of Ancapium.
