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Nenair was (is?) the name of a magical realm founded by bcfoss several days after the beginning of Coolguy Server. The nation shared it's name with the glowing tree at it's heart, which was grown from saplings collected by bcfoss during his migration from spawn.

To the east Nenair bordered Sandcastle Sultanate and both disputed dominion over the forested borderlands until the latter fell into ruin. To the south-west Nenair bordered Old Kratchfield, enjoying an amiable relationship until the latter fell into ruin.



Nenair was founded in a bay on the western edge of the Spawn Plains, seperated from the Plains' heart by a river. bcfoss I planted a glowing sapling on a hill overlooking the bay and constructed a shrine immediately east of it.

Agriculture revolved around corn farms. Sheep and Cows were bred for wool and milk.

The study of Ars Nouveau was began around this time. A Kiln was built behind the shrine which produced mana when supplied with fuel.

Roots of Nenair

Around this time the practice of constructing Tombs began.

Quickly advancing in Ars Nouveau, bcfoss II built the first branches of the Roots of Nenair, a network of mana relays that funneled mana from all over Nenair into a mana reservoir beneath the Tree of Nenair. This reservoir could be drawn from by relays leading to the newly constructed Tower of Nenair.

The act of harvesting an expansive field of corn in south-eastern Nenair produced mana by itself, but the resulting bundles of corn (over a thousand ears per harvest) were then taken to a nearby food storage building and cooked. Finally the absurd quantities of cooked corn were then offered as libations at a sapling shrine on the pinnacle of the Academic Mountain, producing a decidedly reasonable amount of mana for the aforementioned quantities. But the process could be repeated endlessly.

Enabled by the Roots of Nenair, this process of mana production essentially turned the whole region into a magical dynamo, enabling the perpetual replenishment of ritual braziers and arcane runes so long as they were situated near root-branches.

Winter of Falsehood

In reaction to the growing tide of Falsehood (server death), the active server population consolidated and withdrew into the confines of Duab, and so nothing of note was done anywhere outside of Duab during this period.

Around the time bcfoss IV moved into his newly constructed mansion in Duab, the Nenairine mastery of Ars Nouveau reached equivalency with that of Lûl, or in other words, Nenair was now beyond recourse from conventional powers so long as it was not defending.

Instrument of Mund

meh too tired to write. see second paragraph of CULTURE. Magic defenses etc etc.

Around this time bcfoss V and VI possessed the capabilities to level Jarai with a mere handful of spell casts, but since Duab was too weak to offer meaningful resistance, Sanctifying the city would paradoxically weaken Mund in the long run. Invasions of Duab were thus limited to conventional pillager raids.


As the COAST_CULTURE developed certain mores, so did Nenair in the form of Tombs. These were closed chambers constructed at a shallow depth beneath the earth, ideally in advance of a player's death. Inside were places to store belongings and valuables related to the player's life. This practice would eventually be carried to far off Jarai.

Though not the birthplace of Mundism, Nenair would become a bastion of Truth against the growing tide of Falsehood, at least for a time. By the will of Mund, Nenair successfully cleansed the eastern forest borderlands of Falsehood and Sanctified the great city of Jarai in Blood twice.