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Arkunorûn is the name of the southern shrubland on Overlords 2 and of the historical kingdom that ruled it from year ~10 to ~110.


The name is derived from bcfoss's WIP conlang, specifically the adjectival form of Arkun (Stone) prefixed to the noun Rûn (Tower).


The settlement of Arkunorûn was founded by the vampire bcfoss some time in the first decade after spawn, immediately following his banishment from the vicinity of Karak Wyr. A small stone tower was constructed roughly in the center of the southern shrublands, from which the settlement and wider region would take their names. A sheep pen proved a sufficient blood supply for bcfoss and a wheat field was made to sustain it. Arkunorûn was now self-sustaining, and there was therefore little need to reconnect with the sparse and far-flung hubs of civilization.

Ancient Period (~25 to ~90)

Shallow caves directly below Arkunorûn were converted into a vampiric lair. bcfoss grew in strength as a vampire despite the lack of tree cover in the shrubland.

Arkunorûn and Irlanath during a blood moon.

A village was constructed ~10 chunks south of Arkunorûn in hopes of establishing a stick-based economy, but actually populating it proved extremely difficult. It was around this time the village gained the appellation 'Irlanath' due to it's chronically unfinished state.

Contemporary claims by The_Old_Bookman of his ambitions for a continent spanning Undead Empire were received positively in Arkunorûn, enough so that bcfoss participated in an exploratory attack on The Empire along with Bookman. The raid resulted in an overwhelming victory for the vampiric forces, though the actual tactics and the execution thereof were a source of disaffection for bcfoss.

In the decades after the attack, the Empire rose to prominence as a hub of activity while Arkunorûn's vampiric kin secluded themselves in a shroud of secrecy. In addition, the proliferation of beds among the living nations of the world made it even less feasible for a vampire to exist on the southern plains. Under these circumstances, the abandonment of Arkunorûn proper was only a matter of time.

Stagnation Period (~90 to ~110)

This period begins with the founding of Ilthand in the pine forest south-east of Irlanath. This period ends with the abandonment of Ilthand and the rest of the region by bcfoss, who emigrated to Karak Wyr. Arkunorûn fades out of memory.

Integration into Wyr (143 to 185)

The yellow birch road is forked near Waenorûn; the new route winds down the foothills past Scênokul, eventually entering the western reaches of Old Arkunorûn before stopping at the southern gate of Irlanath.

Irlanath is soon after resettled following an exodus of villagers from Ilthand. The White Bear is hung above the well in order to invoke the protection of the Emperor.

Around 150, Emperor flufyking can be said to have lost the Mandate of Mund in the popular imagination. Dissention grows steadily among the Empire's subjects, but Arkunorûn is wholly unaffected.

In 184 the Empire is racked by a catastrophic rebellion. Armies cross the continent, fight one another and are slaughtered. The cities of the Great Forest are put to the torch one after the other. Dragons rove the horizon. But Arkunorûn is completely ignored by both sides, except in one instance where rebel forces under the command of Poitevine are engaged by the Emperor near Charmon and are possibly routed into the western reaches of Arkunorûn.


The region of Arkunorûn is shrubland. Bushes taller than a man obstruct horizontal vision beyond 10 meters in a given direction. There are very few trees large enough to grant reprieve from the sun.

In the south, Arkunorûn borders the Great Lake. To the west, the shrubland gives way to foothills as one approaches the Central Mountains. Forested hills mark the eastern border. To the north the shrubland mellows out into a field of flowers; Arkunorûn ends a little ways north of this point.

The region contains two settlements: Irlanath sits just north of the Great Lake and is currently inhabited and maintained as a city under Wyr. The tower of Arkunorûn is positioned in the middle of the region and has fallen into ruin since ancient times.