The Slums

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Bird's eye view of The Slums

The Slums were the first communal settlement in PrikPack v14. It was built at the bottom of a mountain, next to a river which flowed from the mountain. The west side of The Slums was considered more middle-class whereas the east side was considered more lower-class.

Initial Buildings

When the settlement was first being formed, everyone built the first versions of their homes.

  1. bcfoss built a small hut on the east side made out of wood, measuring about 3x3 meters.
  2. cflip_ built a medium house on the west side made out of wood, measuring about 4x6 meters.
  3. flufyking began to work on a castle atop the mountain.
  4. jusipat 'unknown'
  5. Kjolt947 dug out the side of a mound and opted to live amongst the worms, dirt and rocks. His mound was later turned into the community mine.
  6. tundra_lord began laying a cobblestone foundation for his considerably large house, measuring about 8x10 meters.
  7. Wikaros 'unknown'

Each building either moved, or transformed into it's final state later.


The Graveyard
A graveyard was the first landmark. It was created atop the community mine (formerly Kjolt947's original dirt mound house). Each player who had a notable death was buried there.
The Temple
The temple was erected next to the graveyard, inside it was filled with radioactive ores. It is thought to be for worshiping of the dangerous radioactive properties of those ores, and praising death by irradiation.
The Castle
The castle was constructed atop the mountain of which The Slums were built at the bottom of. The castle was off limits to the lower-class and middle-class.