Epic of the Smavs

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The Epic of the Smavs was a document written by bcfoss, describing the earliest events to take place on the PrikPack v10 (?) server. It was written in a dialect known as Chuggaspeak.

Original Text



In them smoll dayz, before them droppas was droppin. When the chuggas first chugged.

Smav was crinkly. He was cruizin them slopes, old slopes they wuz, uppa frum old Stifût.

Crinkly Smav, he was big smavy on them slopes, and he waz chillin hiz daez away. And chill he finna, but that waz them smal dayz, and time was biggin.


Smav did be chillin, but time waz biggin now, and Smav was un smavy of his littlun time. He was seeing frum them old slopes to the coast. Smav did see them first chuggas, Beezee and Jikk, thems was croozin up that coast, and Smav used his smavy of man to do a big think. Yes Smav hada big thinkin, and he thoght: "Them spooky mens be walkin downa, downa to the smol wata chillin by them two landz!"

So Smav croozed to the smal wata by the two landz and he chilled.


Them first chuggas, Jikk and Beezee, and theirz friends pulled up at them uppa land by the smol wata uppa of the downa land. They waz pullin up because there was Smav! Sittin in that smal wata and bein wide.

Them first Chuggas then sed:

"Yo biggun! crooze on outa here 'fore we krump yon yer hed!"

And smav spoke smavly:

"Ho smalluns! I been here firzt, uhuh, noway!"

And them first chuggas did be snappin at each other chugga. Then the thurd one sed:

"Ima Luas an yew let us pass or ima crooze inta yew hed with my fist."

Smav be smavy and he was knowin a bluf, so he sed:

"Oka then! Ima crooE outa here, and don yew smal branes stop thinkin it!"

And them chuggas was seeing no Smav, not downa and not uppa, and not wolkin smavy. So theys was krossing the smol wata. See now all yew littluns, Smav wuza big thinka and Smav was knowin that them chuggas finna krump em if he werent careful. Thas bein smavy: be thinkin fore yew be chuggin!

Thats big tolk of Smavy bein smavy bout them First Chuggas, in them dayz when time be biggin.