Fort Nite

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View of Fort Nite.

Fort Nite was a fortress created by jusipat and Cflip_ in the PrikPack v14 server that was made primarily out of cobblestone. It was constructed after jusipat fled The Slums due to the chaotic Cran-Arvid Feud he viewed as tearing the city apart. The emperor (flufyking) viewed tundra_lord's actions as terrorist acts against the city, however most notably targeting Kjolt947. It then became the prosperous home base to jusipat, Kjolt947, and GuerillaFighter. It was heavily guarded and trapped to fend off potential intruders.


Fort Nite started off as player jusipat's escape from the city after not wanting involvement in the tragedies that took place there. In spite of wanting separation, the fortress was considered a vassal to flufyking, the city's tyrannical ruler. During the pinnacle of tundra_lord's criminal acts, Cflip_ chose to move into Fort Nite. He occupied a small room and erected three towers conjoined to the main body of the structure. However, he would later retrieve some of his belongings and only visit on occasion. To further ensure tundra_lord's injustice would come to a close, Kjolt947 too wanted to part ways with the city. He had assisted in the construction of the runway and trench defenses, as well as supply cattle, wheat and cacti. GuerillaFighter joined Fort Nite soon after and built a ship, though seldom played on the server.

Airship Theft

At one point, Kjolt947 requested that Cflip_ give him a ride on his airship. Unexpectedly, Kjolt947 suddenly began piloting the ship without Cflip_'s permission and Cflip_ had no choice but to ride his ship to ensure it didn't get lost. When they arrived at Fort Nite, the poison gas vents were on and Kjolt947 assembled the ship, dropping Cflip_ into the poison gas. Cflip_ managed to flee into the inside of the fort, and hid in his old room. Cflip_ was unsure whether this was a mistake or if Kjolt947 was trying to assassinate him. Cflip_ managed to escape the fort and returned home.

The next day Cflip_ came back and built a giant dirt tower in the sky so he could bring his ship back home.

Skirmishes with the Capital

Player GuerillaFighter was determined to bring a state of war between Fort Nite and supporters of the Royal lineage. There were multiple times where war just nearly broke out, only deescalated by God-King flufyking's apathy on the situation.

Bombing of Fort Nite

Player Wikaros and Kjolt947 were actively hostile at this time, and Wikaros divebombed Kjolt947 while inside the fort. The bombing caused no damage yet when jusipat attempted to scramble his own plane to intercept the attacker his plane was destroyed. Fort Nite declared war on Wikaros personally over this incident. These series of events were poignantly ignored by God-King flufyking, attempting to keep the wider peace intact. Fort Nite mounted an offensive on Wikaros' fort near the Capital, damaging it. After this peace was reestablished.

Defensive Measures

Close up view of Fort Nite's defensive walls.

From the outside facing the south, there is a steep, barren hillside laced with barbed wire just below the trenches. A flammable bridge overtop spikes and additional wire leads into the fort. Around the inner turf of the fortress are 4 gas-emitting vents whose towering plumes will poison those without trench masks, as well as obstruct anyone's view. there are several triangular bastions from which a guardsman can perch and fire, the higher of which being accessible from within the base. There is also a central tower which offers additional protection and a better view ideal to project massed musket fire.