Historia Mundi Antiqui

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The Historia Mundi Antiqui was a historical text composed by bcfoss of Lûl in the aftermath of the Medial War (around year 20). It attempted to document the history and character of all the nations in the world.

Original Text

by the Scholar of Lûl
CAPITULUM UNUM Prehistory and Far Antiquity Man first arose in the lands beyond the western borders of Tianchao. Travellers in this region claim to have come upon earthen pillars and chicken pens of exceeding antiquity. Undoubtably guided by the overriding will of Console, all peoples migrated eastward to the shores of the Great Sea and settled the islands therein. The fortress of Fin Ley in Scæthing was founded at this time, as was the central keep of Magical Fortress. It is known by all that the Magicani at this time were not men, but rather dogs. Many terms in Tianchao still hint at their canine heritage, where it is believed that the Tianchaoese still have 'the daog' within them. Our ancestors founded Lûl itself sometime later, though they previously maintained a presence in Scæthing. Even then they were exceedingly virtuous and inspired envy and malice in the hearts of the Scæthings, who eventually evicted them. CAPITULUM DUO Nations of Antiquity The Preeminent power in antiquity was dread Scæthing, which was situated on the largest of the four terrestrial isles. Their rulers, sometimes absolute and other times elected, ruled primarily by right of the merit of their ideas. They were a united people, but their central position in the world beget an abrasiveness in their dealings with other peoples that would doom them. Following the Kranic War, the Lûlish merchant quarter in Fin Ley was expelled. Sad! Their structures in Scæthing proper were blocky and grey, composed of cobbled stone and archwood that was a(s) displeasing to look upon as the ruins are now. In Southern Midway, the ominous ruins of a deepslate fortress suggest a divergence in styles in late Scæthing. The fractitious lords of the Magical Isle formed the second pillar in the dipolar world of (year) 20. The majority of the population were agrarian and sedentary, but a small and influential minority pursued blood magiks in subterranean crypts. By the Medial War at least, this tradition of blood magic had achieved apotheosis. Magicani building styles varied greatly, but were generally compact and featured relatively large amounts of glass. Scoria as a primary building material was unique to the Magical Isle. Lûl alone persists into the current age, though it was a minor power in antiquity. Commerce formed the center of Lûlish policy, as the primordial crypts below the city resulted in an influx of high-grade weapons and luxuries. Sadly, the trade networks of the era were undeveloped and travel was difficult, so Lûl shifted to selling itself as a mercenary force in the intermittent clashes between Scæthings and Magicani. Occultism rather than the New Art dominated. Then, as now, Lûlish architecture involved spruce wood and otherstone, though Calcite tiles and the process of 'graveling' outer walls were not in use yet. Mahogany wood was right out. The Kranic war exemplifies Antiquity. Iron and steel armaments were standard across the Great Sea. Crossbows were the pinnacle of ranged combat, though only Scæthing adopted them en masse. Most enclosed structures did not exceed 20 cubits squared. Tactics involved diversionary raids and protracted sieges. Magic did not play a significant role in building projects nor in warfare. CAPITULUM TRIA The Medial War The most ruins currently in existence trace their final days to the Medial War of (year) ~20. Three of the four terrestrial isles were depopulated either in part or completely. All active nations in the world participated in the conflict. The war was fought over the titular island of Midway, which was divided between two rival colonies. The Magicani settlement was the most populous, encompassing a port, quarry, and walled village. The Scæthing settlement was smaller and explicitly military in nature, being a 'castle town' built around an old fort from the Kranic War. A strip of hilly plains-land formed 'no-man's land' between the two territories. Both powers layed claim to the whole of the island, and war seemed inevitable. The forces of Lûl were the subject of a bid between both nations, but in the end the Magicani could not match the wealth of the Scæthings. The Scæthings initiated the conflict, occupying the opposing settlement with little fanfare and no bloodshed. Wikaros, the primary owner of the colony, called an informal diet of the Magicani and called for a unified response. Who can say exactly how the meeting went? The debates certainly lasted a whole night. Most believe that the blood magus Baconpan was the first and most vocal proponent of joing the war, but I believe that Rickimir was the real warmonger. Ultimately the diet ruled in favor of joining Wikaros, and the combined forces of the Magical Isle dealt Scæthing a crushing defeat at the Battle of Midway. I dreamt that Baconpan achieved apotheosis during the bloodshed of the Scæthings' rout. Midway itself was plunged into ruin during the fighting. The Black Tower of the Scæthing settlement was collapsed by blood magik, while the Magicani citadel was gutted by fire in order to flush out the Scæthing defenders. After Midway had been subjugated, the war spread to every corner of the Great Sea, save for Lûl, which was miraculously spared. The elected leader of Scæthing at the time pursued a reckless strategy of total war in order to restore his honor. The Fortress of Fin Ley was submerged in lava by the Magicani. The city below was sacked by marauders, though a poorly equiped resistance managed to hold out long enough that the blood magus was forced to bombard the city. Disorganized Scæthing raiders penetrated the defenses of Magical Isle and began a sack of their own. Reportedly the defensive copses circling the (Magical) islands western coast continued to burn for the duration of the war. The Scæthings won no battles, but managed to loot and destroy much of the Magicani's wealth, either while raiding the Magical Isle or by commandeering treasure ships full of war loot. Peace was a forgone conclusion. Both powers were fractured, though shortlived rump states continued to rule the respective capitals for a time. New Scathia defaulted on the mercenary payments due to Lûl, but nothing came of it. CAPITULUM QUATTUOR Where are They Now? New powers rose to fill the vacuum left by Scæthing and Magical Isle. Magicani soldiers settled the western continent, laying the foundations of Tianchao. Others retreated upwards into the celestial isles, the greatest of which became the Sanctuary. Lûl absorbed Scæthing refugees and established itself as the sole terrestrial power east of Fin Ley. Baconpan withdrew to the far west, where he erectedd a great blood spire. Midway is unclaimed and uninhabited, and will remain so for as long as the Sanguinal Star is ascendant. Thus ends Antiquity. CAPITULUM QUINQUE China must be whole The three kingdoms are locked in a precarious balance, but only one can become the true ruler of the world. Eternal glory to he who unites the world under one banner.