People's Union

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View of all of the listed SSR's, within the grand People's Assembly.

The People's Union of the Minecraft Server (PUMS) was a large communist nation on Fvonny's 5, one of the single largest nations ever conceived on any of the Minecraft servers, totalling upwards of 9 citizens.


Following the defeat of tundra_lord in the Niuhai-Kjolibope War, the many nations fighting him united to create a new unified nation. jusipat discovered the true power of teamwork and found that in gathering players from across the server to work on a common task, great things could be accomplished. The crown jewel of the People's Union was that of the People's Assembly. Created by jusipat, it was a large auditorium designed to hold party congresses.

First People's Congress

Still in the genesis of the new state, player Cflip_ was defaultly named to the position of General Secretary as per the following of his immortal Operation Bonkers legacy. Under the urging of jusipat, who wished to form a much more centralized state with defined leadership, he asked General Secretary Cflip_ to call together and organize the first People's Congress. Cflip_ was not very open to the concept of a continued and expanding state under his leadership, and he had no appetite to be named leader once more.

See Fvonny's 3

View of the First Party Congress from newly elected General Secretary jusipat.

General Secretary jusipat

In this gathering, attended by the original founders of the Union; being bcfoss, Wikaros, jusipat, and Cflip_, General Secretary Cflip_ ceremoniously relinquished the position of General Secretary of the Union to Comrade jusipat, who would remain General Secretary and retain and expand the authority of the office until the conclusion of the server.

External Conflicts

The People's Union consistently viewed tundra_lord as an eternal enemy, dating back to the infamous days of the Niuhai-Kjolibope War and the great siege of Machinima HQ. tundra_lord to be KOS at all times. It soon became clear that no single player could match the metagaming nature of him, after urging from citizen baconpancakes36, General Secretary jusipat ordered all citizens to mute him ingame, and to ignore him completely.


The People's Union contained four primary 'Soviet Socialist Republics' (SSR). These were in order of admission into the Union: Collinebourg SSR, Niuhai SSR, Litaly SSR, Kjolibope SSR. Unofficially there existed numerous PUMS outposts in the Nether and in times of war; occupied settlements which all eventually absorbed into the Union.

The Cow War

Main article: The Cow War

General Secretary jusipat awarding Wikaros for his victories following the Battle of the Nether.

Construction of the People's Capital

Following the Cow War, the capital province was greatly developed.
