The Isles

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The Isles were a landmass in the ocean. The Isles were inhabited by a portion of the players, and competed with Tukton until the gameplay slowed. The Isles had a single large house, which had a port for boats. There was also a small pig farm on the north end of the island. The only way to travel to The Isles was by boat or air.

After the island was abandoned because of constant raiding, fleeing refugees founded multiple successor settlements and maintained good relations with each other.

Tukton War

Tukton Raid

After numerous cases of aggressive posturing and a sharp decline in mutual relations, Tukton organized a raid against The Isles. The Tukton forces, containing Wikaros, officergogo, and flufyking would land on the beaches of The Isles in the middle of the night, and would slaughter the inhabitants and pillage their belongings. The raid was somewhat successful in this goal, with Cflip_ and bcfoss being killed in the raid. jusipat was targeted too late in the raid and managed to gather his most important belongings and flee past the raiders to safety.

The Tunnels

During settlement, tundra_lord was killed repeatedly after coming near The Isles, despite being a neutral party. Whenever he would arrive by boat, he was chased by boat until caught. However, he would eventually dig a secret tunnel approximately 800 meters long that went under the ocean and towards The Isles. The tunnel, once dug, was used by him to trespass on The Isles.

Isles Fortifications

Following the raids on The Isles, the fortifications were significantly strengthened. Punji sticks and moats were strategically placed and the area soon became nearly impossible for the inhabitants to live in themselves. This would be a major contributing factor in the abandonment of The Isles later on.

Once the tunnel was discovered by members of The Isles, a chase ensued where eventually tundra_lord poured lava down the vertical portion of the tunnel - sealing the tunnel behind him, and thus preventing any further incursions on the Isles.