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The grand imperial palace located in the capital Lengshan

Tianchao (Chinese: 天朝, English: Celestial Dynasty) was a nation on the PrikPack v16 server that was formed out of an economic union between the Commandery of Cool Mountain, New Scathia and Herobrine Industries.


Following the Massacre on Midway, the two largest nations on the server, the Magical Empire and the Scæþing Republic, were dissolved, leaving their players to spread across the world and form nations of their own. Wikaros established the Commandery of Cool Mountain in the southeast of the spawn continent, Cflip_ established New Scathia from the remains of the Scæþing island, and Kjolt947 moved south of Scæþing to form Herobrine Industries.

Creation of the Western Economic Zone (WEZ)

During this time, the international economy of the server flourished, with emeralds becoming the de facto international currency. The three western nations planned to establish their own currency using constantan coins in order to inflate and control the economy. This economic alliance was called the Western Economic Zone (WEZ).

The WEZ in the World Stage

The WEZ would soon exert outward influence via its vast trading ties within the WEZ and with Lûl and the Asurine Coast. It would also contribute in the reconstruction of former Scæþing refugees' new nations.

Restoration of Scathia

During the Massacre on Midway, Cflip_ stored the Scæþing Republic's disk drives containing all of the nation's goods deep underground in order to protect it. The computer and infrastructure needed to access the items from these drives were destroyed in the war, however the disks themselves remained safe and came back into Cflip_'s possession after the peace treaty. Furthermore, jusipat's iron factory was left intact despite the bombings, and it was rediscovered and restored by Cflip_. jusipat claimed this factory to be his intellectual property and attempted an air bombing, but gave up after several unsuccessful bombing runs, blaming the attacks on Kjolt947.

Consolidation into Tianchao

Flag of Tianchao

For about a week, the nations of the WEZ had remained relatively dormant and inactive. However, Wikaros began construction of a massive palace, which inspired the rest of the faction to play on the server again. It was at this time that the three separate nations of the WEZ decided to unify under the single nation of Tianchao. Wikaros, who had the title of Heavenly General, eventually declared himself emperor of Tianchao with no qualms from the other members of the faction.

Domestic Development

Lengshan, the capital of the empire, became the sole focus of the economy and all resources and attention went into improving the capital. Because of this, the other provinces were mostly abandoned, partly because the nation did not feel ready to defend three separate locations in the event of a war. The forest to the southeast of the palace was completely cleared out to make room for new industry, prompting the empire to expand its claims to the southeastern coast as well as the plains to the northwest of the palace. Due to rapid construction of both the palace and other industrial buildings, frequent trade for limestone and other building materials with Lûl was opened up in order to meet demands.

Tianchao's Imperial Ambitions

As Lengshan developed, it became clear that to compete with Lûl, Tianchao would also need to build a village. At this time, it was believed that the known villages across the world were completely depopulated, however a village located on the west side of the main continent was discovered with many villagers.

Imperial Expansion

Tianchao constructed the village of Da Pingtan and began shipping villagers from across the ocean to populate the newly founded town. Another village was also found on a continent across the southern sea, and the villagers from there were also relocated. Nearly all of the islands throughout the seas surrounding Tianchao were claimed, and to the south a villager processing station and vacation spot was built on one of the islands.

War for Scathia

Main article: Conquest of Scæþing

For some time, Lûl had been preparing for an armed invasion of the western portion of Scathia, titled "Operation Webspinner". Originally, this wouldn't have been a problem as Tianchao took all valuables off of the island, however the war wouldn't happen until after Tianchao began building infrastructure on its claimed portion of the island.

Defeat on Scathia

Falsely lead to believe that this was to be a conventional war, Tianchao set up a bunker on the island and got horses for mobile warfare. Wikaros planned to push Lûl forces off the island, and then use helicopters to paradrop soldiers on their homeland and bomb the town of Lûl. This plan was quickly forgotten when bcfoss used lighting to instantly kill people in Tianchao. This war led to the loss of the Scæþing province and Lü Hangye, Kjolt947's previous home.

Late-Age Tianchao

Frustrated with the lack of honour from bcfoss and jusipat, Tianchao decided that the only way to defeat the rat tactics was to become the rat. A new plan was made in which Tianchao would use the same invisibility magic to raid Lûl of all its valuables and hold them ransom for Scathia, however this plan never fully came to fruition. No one wanted to invest the time and effort to do the magic mods required. In addition to this, jusipat also offered his discreet services in researching anti-magic alternatives.

Raid on Lûl

After Asurine Coast and Lûl had already split up, Cflip_ and Kjolt947 attempted a raid against bcfoss, however Kjolt947 was immediately spotted on east Scathia and Cflip_ was once again killed by lightning while raiding Lûl.

Tianchao then made plans to call a meeting in the Scæþing government building, then blow it up while everyone was inside, but at this point Tianchao's players were no longer interested in playing the server and this plan did not come to fruition either.
