Massacre on Midway

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Massacre on Midway
Part of PrikPack v16

rice_fish crossing the mine-laden coast to the Scæþing-occupied city
Date: Dec 29, 2022 (Year 15)
Location: Midway Island, later Scæþing and Magical Empire
Result: Dissolution of both nations
Territory changes: Midway becomes neutral, both empires collapse
Scæþing Magical Empire
jusipat baconpancakes36
countless a few

The Massacre on Midway was a fast paced and intensely violent conflict that occurred between Scæþing and the Magical Empire originally over land claims on Midway.


The Massacre on Midway was preceded by rounds of escalation and a breakdown in relations between the belligerent nations of Scæþing and the Magical Empire, which exploded into all out war.

Heightened Tensions

Tensions began to mount when both Scæþing and the Magical Empire made claims on Midway, a valuable midpoint landmass between the nations. Villages were constructed and populated by both factions, with Scæþing specifically upgrading an old fort from the Scæþing Punitive War. These claims went seemingly unheeded and there was peace for a few days. Eventually, internal conflicts within the Scæþing Empire came to a head and the faction was teetering on the edge of a civil war. The current consul, jusipat, made the decision to divert Scathings hostility outwards and began planning a war over the claims in Midway to subvert the growing internal conflicts.

Whisperings of War and First Contact

Wikaros was informed of the internal conflicts within Scæþing and made an attempt to vote in an election there, attempting to destabilize Scæþing. When he arrived, he was immediately killed and was informed that Scæþing was planning on declaring war on the Magical Empire. A few hours passed with small bouts of violence between members of Scæþing and the Magical Empire. Following this, the citizens of the Magical Empire were informed of the impending conflict, namely baconpancakes36 and rice_fish. The original terms of the war were to attempt to be as non-destructive as possible, and to keep the conflict at Midway exclusively.

The War Begins

The Scæþing Republic's forces began preparing on the southern portion of Midway for an invasion of the rest of the island. Mercenary bcfoss was hired to Scæþing's cause at this time.

Scæþing Occupation of Midway

Forces from Southern Midway occupied the Magical Empire's city on Midway bloodlessly. bcfoss, Cflip_, jusipat and Kjolt947 then awaited possible counterattack from Magical Empire forces after constructing battlements in Midway city. Mines were laid and stockpiles of ammunition and additional muskets prepared. jusipat, now acting as emergency wartime leader, began scouting missions via boat in the ocean between Midway and the Magical Island in an attempt to devine the Magical Empires plans. jusipat ended up spotting and driving off a scouting attemp made by Wikaros with musket-fire.

Magical Counter-Attack

Eventually, baconpancakes36 decided to join the server and use his blood magic "flight" to go on a scout run to Midway, where Scæþing was already waiting, with their hired man bcfoss and many land mines on the beaches surrounding the villages. Cflip spotted him landing on the roof of the church tower on the Magical Empire village and decided to shoot at him, landing a few hits, aggravating him to shoot back. Cflip was killed swiftly via enchanted bow and baconpancakes36 headed back to the Magical Empire to regroup and begin preparations. rice_fish went to Midway of his own accord and began fighting without informing his faction until a few minutes later. He was caught and found in the tallest tower in the occupied Midway City but managed to escape. Saucy_Tacos and Wikaros began heading over to Midway while baconpancakes36 prepared a large amount of explosive charges.

Battle of Midway City

The Magical Empire arrived to Midway and began battle with Scæþing, namely Kjolt947, cflip, juspat, and mercenary bcfoss. The Scæþing forces relied heavily on the ranged power of their muskets and performed well inside the dense urban environment of Midway City. As the battle contiued though, it became apparent that baconpancakes36 clearly had an overwhelming gap in power over the opposing players and began killing all of them repeatedly. With the help of the other Magical forces, all of Scæþing's forces were effectively driven off of Midway. Meanwhile jusipat, enraged at seeing baconpancakes36's overwhelming "godly" power, and in his view, a complete lack of respect for conventional military doctrine, headed over to the Magical Empire with the intention of reviving Dirt Warfare via attempting to destroy solely baconpancakes36's belongings to demoralize him. While battle began to die down at Midway, he snuck into baconpancakes36's base and destroyed some things and hid his refined storage drives in a chest nearby. Kjolt947 then too followed jusipat over with other Scæþing forces still holding on to the southern portion of Scæþing Midway.

Escalation of the War

Soon after discovering Kjolt947 on the Magical Empire's soil, baconpancakes36 informed the faction that the conflict had extended beyond Midway, and chaos not unlike The Calamity ensued. Both factions destroyed innumerable structures, boating straight past eachother and briefly skirmishing across all theatres of the war. With fire and explosives almost every player's belongings and properties were destroyed on each side. Notably: Saucy_Tacos's wooden house, baconpancakes36's base, Wikaros's base, many town buildings in Scæþing, Fort Scæþing, Kjolt947's house, and many others. baconpancakes36 would occasionally spot and hunt down members of Scæþing as he encountered them during his rampage.

The Battle of Scæþing

As baconpancakes36 ravaged Scæþing and Midway, Scæþing was beset upon by the soldiers of the Magical Empire in full force. Kjolt947, Cflip_ and jusipat managed to use the extensive turtle tunnels dug under Scæþing as a refuge to hide vast amounts of Scæþing's wealth and storage drives. Furthermore, from these tunnels, they would suddenly emerge to ambush the attackers plundering the fortress. This strategy was unable to turn the tide of the war however, and eventually the fighters were rooted out and destroyed. Simultaneously, bcfoss managed to use the dense urban environment of Scæþing City to avoid detection multiple times and launch sudden guerilla attacks on the invaders. These attacks did not affect the outcome of the pillaging of Scæþing, however. In order to turn the tide of the war, jusipat attempted in vain to use high-voltage electricity to slay the invaders, this proved impossible as Scæþing City's power plant and power grid to the fortress had been cut.

During the Magical Empire's offensive on Scæþing, bcfoss managed to steal a boat full of supplies harboured at Scæþing City. He would take it far into the ocean under the pursuit of Wikaros. jusipat trailed Wikaros and harried his ship with musket fire, distracting him.

Eventually, after war exhaustion grew on both sides, talks of peace began to be discussed.

Peace and Aftermath

The peace treaty known as Ricky (The Black Peace) was signed at the Tuff House in Scæþing.

New States

The outcome of this war fragmented the playerbase on the server, with many players spreading out over the world to form new nations.