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Revision as of 17:53, 25 January 2023 by Bcfoss2 (talk | contribs) (fleshed out history and added pics. Probably gonna rename it to a more general "Lûl" or "Lûlinum")
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Lûl as of year 33 (Jan 25th 2023).

Lûlinum, or just Lûl, is a faction made by bcfoss on the island of Lûl (initially known as Radhan). Founded on the policy of never fighting its own wars, Lûl remained largely unscathed during the Scæþing Punitive War and the Massacre on Midway. As a consequence, Lûl is one of the oldest continually inhabited settlements in PrikPack v16.

Early History

Radhan was founded on the southeastern-most of the four terrestrial isles. After residing temporarily in Scæþing for several months, bcfoss traveled to the island and made his home in a granite spire and it's connecting crypts.

Growth of Lûl

Prior to the Kranic War a primitive palisade and several supporting structures were constructed around the spire in order to accommodate recently imported villagers, consisting of an inn and a fletcher's workshop.

Shortly after the Kranic War bcfoss enlisted the help of flufyking in order to defeat Death, afterwards awarding him the first Crypt-Sword. This practice of bestowing ceremonial swords on faithful allies would become a Lûline custom.

Mercenary Services

Lûl participated as a mercenary force in both conflicts between Scæþing and Magical Empire.

During the Kranic War Lûl fought under the banner of Wikaros of the Magical Empire, and proved a critical component of the Magical Empire's war strategy. All skirmishes and raids carried out beyond the Magical Isle involved the Lûline mercenary force. bcfoss helped fortify defenses during the first siege of Magical Fortress, and his timely arrival broke the second siege. After peace was made, Lûl was duly paid twenty emeralds for it's services.

During the Medial War Lûl was contracted to fight again, this time under Scæþing. The Lûline auxiliary was garrisoned in central Midway along with the rest of the Scæþing army, and was likewise routed during the battle. Afterwards the auxiliary force regrouped with elements of the Scæþing army in the urban center just east of Fin Ley. There the Lûline force managed to secure the extant iron mill and the supplies within, which the poorly equipped Scæþing resistance needed badly. Later on the auxiliary force commandeered an enemy ship full of war loot and fled the city, which was soon after subjected to bombardment by the Magical Empire's blood mage. After peace was signed, the Republic of Scæþing ceased to exist; it's rump state New Scathia refused to honor the contract with Lûl, but due to the circumstances of the war, the breach was forgiven.

Imperial Ascent

Ziggurat of Lûl

Having emerged the sole surviving power in the wake of the Medial War, Lûl abandoned it's mercenary policy and took a more involved stance on the world stage. On the northern limits of the city a large ziggurat was constructed, which served as the new administrative center for taxation and resource storage.

Lûl enlisted the help of the Heavenly General in defeating a Wither in the northern forests of Midway. The expedition suffered initial setbacks, during which the Heavenly Steed was killed. The landscape of northern Midway was thoroughly destroyed during the battles, but ultimately the forces of Lûl managed to slay the Wither. The Heavenly General became the second individual to receive a Crypt-Sword.

At their own insistence the Asurine Coast, a newly founded Scæþing-descended settlement, was annexed into Lûl, now restyling itself as Imperium Lûlinum. The province of Asurinica chose stacks of iron as it's form of tribute. At some point after this the construction of hanging gardens on the eastern side of the ziggurat were completed.

Around year 26, Lûl began recording time by the 96-day year. This same year a trade settlement was reached with Tianchao wherein Lûl would supply Crimsite and Limestone in return for Andesite, at a ratio of 1 to 1. Over the course of the trade deal, more than two thousand blocks would trade hands.

Library of Lûl, as seen from the hanging gardens of the ziggurat.

Around year 27, a Lûline port was reestablished on the eastern-most tip of Scæþing at the location of an ancient precursor. By year 29 the scope of public building projects had expanded considerably, with curtain walls around Asurinica and Lûlinum following on the heels of the new Library of Lûlinum in 28.

Around year 28 a law book was written, detailing the rules of ruler and subject, though it's scope was somewhat ambitious and detailed the rules of a hypothetical slave-caste that did not exist at the time.

As of Year 33 (Jan 25th 2023), Lûlinum maintains a benign disposition towards all other countries, though it contests dominion over the isle of Scæþing with Tianchao.
