Cran-Arvid Feud

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The resulting destruction of the bloody feud. Kjolt947's house (on the left) completely destroyed. Arvid's house (on the right) with tank shell holes in it.

The Cran-Arvid Blood Feud was a relatively long and persistent conflict in PrikPack v14, which happened exclusively in The Slums. The main actors were Kjolt947 and tundra_lord.

Initial Conflict

From the point of view of tundra_lord: "I don't believe anyone remembers, but I think the conflict started when Kjolt947 either trespassed, insulted, or even simply punched me. I must have slain him - and in return I must have been slain by one of the officers.".

However, Kjolt947 has a very different, although concise view: "His fault.".

Eye for an Eye

The initial conflict, whatever it may be, set in motion a series of events which would forever effect The Slums. User tundra_lord was determined to set the score straight with Kjolt947. His gear was wrongfully taken from him, his bed had been destroyed and his house damaged by Wikaros' tank for the slaying of Kjolt947. He took very little regard for the law at this point because he saw bias; "Military action was unnecessary as it was meddling".

The Battle for Stolen Gear

After tundra_lord was killed by the military his gear was given to Kjolt947, and tundra_lord was reset to spawn due to his bed being destroyed. He traveled back on foot (14 km), and made a hidden base as a fallback. He cultivated resources for a new set of gear, and prepared to kill Kjolt947 once again with the purpose of retrieving his stolen gear.

As he came into the city he announced that Kjolt947 had stolen gear. Immediately spotting Kjolt947 right in front of him, tundra_lord hastily drew his musket, fired, drew his second musket, fired again. He then charged Kjolt947 with his sword, striking and killing him. He then picked up his items and used flint and steel to burn the items he could not carry. A bystander, bcfoss, stated that it was "very quick and professional". tundra_lord did not sustain any injuries during this attack, despite Kjolt947 firing twice. The duration of this attack is estimated to be a very short 5 seconds, including the looting.

Kjolt947 re-spawned and tundra_lord repeatedly commanded him with increasing force to sit down in a wooden boat that he had placed on the ground. He then commanded Kjolt947 to float down the river, which he did. The boat crashed into the bridge downstream and broke.

The Attempted White Peace Treaty

Victory tastes bittersweet.

The victor of the last skirmish, tundra_lord, returned most of Kjolt947's non-stolen gear and proposed the benevolent exchange of gifts between him and Kjolt947 as a show of understanding. This was the beginning of a truce. It was agreed between the two parties that tundra_lord should give 24 bronze ingots, whereas Kjolt947 should give two stacks of bread (128). However, during the exchange tundra_lord noticed that Kjolt only gave one stack of bread split into two (64), and tried to pass it off as two full stacks. This was a sly maneuver by Kjolt, but tundra_lord did not act on this, and instead merely remarked on it and let it go, albeit with mistrust.

This was the closest to a settled score they would ever get.

The Angering of The Gods

One of the deepest pits of hell is reserved for backstabbers.

Kjolt947 schemed a plan, the only goal being: spiteful revenge. One rainy night, tundra_lord was walking along the streets, and crossed in front of the temple. He became suddenly ill, and asked bcfoss to cure him. Kjolt947 emerged from the graveyard with a sword, and began stabbing tundra_lord mercilessly. He looted his corpse yet again, never to return his gear.

The gods were angry, and roaring thunder could be heard for the rest of the night.

The Final Smite

The devil shivers when a nice guy loses his temper.

The result of 16 TNT explosions in Kjolt947's house.

The final straw had been reached. Drastic measures were in place, and massive plans were in the making. Intricate tunnels were dug by tundra_lord, and resources were being gathered. He wanted to strike Kjolt947 down to ensure he could never wreak havoc again.

He traveled once again to The Slums with more gear. He tried to kill Kjolt947 outside of the city bounds, but again was intervened by the emperor. He lost his gear again, and Kjolt947 verbally insulted him.

Upon being insulted by Kjolt947, tundra_lord discarded his more intricate plans in favor of a simple and destructive plan: bomb Kjolt947's house to smithereens. He brought about 16 blocks of TNT and placed them in Kjolt947's house, before lighting it up. All that was left of Kjolt947's house was a hole in the ground, though several blocks and items remained on the floor after the chests were demolished.


tundra_lord being declared outlaw and kill-on-sight.

The consequence of such a heavy battle in The Slums was that it created a great deal of entropy and chaos. Kjolt947 rage-quit many times. Many players simply did not want to be around The Slums during the battles. User jusipat fled his home in The Slums and constructed a fortress known as Fort Nite. tundra_lord was to be killed whenever spotted by any loyalists of the empire. tundra_lord's house was looted of all it's resources. Eventually cflip_ and Kjolt947 moved moved out of The Slums as well.

Notable Skirmishes

During the feud, there were many smaller skirmishes which were relatively inconsequential to the resulting outcome of the feud. Most of the skirmishes were simple blood-thirsty brawls occurring in the streets of The Slums, and concluding with military action exclusively against tundra_lord. However, there are some skirmishes which are considered unique.

Team Trees

Due to the ever growing threat of global warming[citation needed], tundra_lord took it upon himself to save the planet by creating an organization known as "#teamtrees". The goal of this organization, was to plant as many trees as logistically possible. tundra_lord gathered approximately 6 full stacks (384) saplings, and placed them on a flat grass area in the front of Kjolt947's base. Bone-meal was then used to accelerate the growth of the saplings. Kjolt947 burned the trees down, in what tundra_lord assumed to be an act of hatred for the planet. During Kjolt947's burning of the trees, he also burned down user Cflip_'s blimp while he was offline. This event is known as The Airship Scuffle. It is unclear whether the blimp was burned down on purpose or not. Either way, Kjolt947 was not punished.

Tank Dodging

During one of the many fights between tundra_lord and Kjolt947, the military was mobilized with the purpose of killing tundra_lord and destroying his bed with tank shells. The tank, being operated by Wikaros, was in the process of attempting to explosively mutilate tundra_lord, but due to the low accuracy and ammunition count, tundra_lord was able to out-maneuver the shells twice before it redirected fire to tundra_lord's house destroying his bed. tundra_lord was able to safely hide underneath the tank without being crushed, and behind the tank away from line of sight without fear of being disemboweled by a large shell.


In the end, Kjolt947 was allowed to scavenge hours of resources from tundra_lord with the help of the empire, making Kjolt947 the victor of the feud. If not for the emperor, however, tundra_lord would likely have won the feud due to the combat and resource advantage over Kjolt947. It is undisputed fact that Kjolt947 was only able to kill tundra_lord with the help of the empire or poison. The empire was also involved in other controversies like The Emperor's Inaction of The Famous "Military Exercise".
