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Kjolibope was Kjolt947’s independent settlement on Fvonny's 5. Eventually brought into the People's Union as the third SSR.


It was founded after he had rebelled against the Developers Group in the Niuhai-Kjolibope War for shifting the blame of many travesties unto him. This lead to Kjolt947 to pillage all of Cflip_'s valuables, creating great enmity between the two. As of its conception all the way to December 16th 2021 it only consisted of a torched cave system within a savanna mountain housing basic supplies and a nether portal.

Growth in Peacetime

Over a long period, it had been expanded into a series of houses (though the second one was never complete) as well as a large agricultural field available for the public to visit, following the newfound peace between both nations.

Entry into the People's Union

After Kjolibope was admitted into the growing People's Union, a railroad was being built to connect Niuhai and Kjolibope, but was never truly finished before the server fizzled out. Thing worked just fine, but it's only pretty as it'll ever be.