Nuclear Strike on New Japin

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The Nuclear Strike on New Japin was a short conflict involving the forces of New Antioch against New Japin. This conflict is unique for having been the first war to employ nuclear missiles in all the servers.

Historical Context Behind The Strike

Following the epic and devastating Siege of Antioch, the successor state of Antioch, aptly named New Antioch harbored clear revanchism towards the forces that destroyed Antioch. And even though Cadogen rapidly diminished in power and reach following the Siege of Antioch, the successor state of Japin and then New Japin, both lead by former King nobel617 of Cadogen would be targeted for revenge by joestanly04.

Beginnings of Conflict

Though lost to time, it is believed the conflict began the night of September 8/9 after a severe and rapid breakdown in relations between New Antioch and New Japin. Both members of Antioch flufyking and joestanly04 were online, along with the sole proprietor of New Japin, nobel617. Notably absent was nobel617's ally the Lord Hermit of Cadogen, bcfoss.

Missile Attacks

New Japin began the war by launching several conventional missiles at New Antioch, slowly expending his arsenal. New Antioch's missiles responded in kind.


Following the near miss of a thermobaric missile at New Antioch which just grazed the cables linking together the two islands; New Antioch responded with the first nuclear missile to ever be launched in a server's history. joestanly04 approached New Japin on jetpack to observe the subsequent damage.

Nuclear Aftermath

New Japin had been pulverized, with the ocean flooding into a large crater where the small coastal island had once been. In the aftermath in his observation, joestanly04's game lagged and he was killed by nobel617 to great protest. nobel617 agreed to return his item's and to surrender after such a shocking event. New Antioch would go onto declare total victory and significantly increase its military focus.

References in Later Servers

nobel617 would continually admit deep regret at surrendering in the following servers, wishing he employed techniques akin to Dirt Warfare to shift the tide of the war.