Siege of Antioch

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The Siege of Antioch was a bloody military campaign undertaken by the armed forces of Cadogen against the small island state of Antioch. It is renowned for being one of the first significant military operations in our Minecraft servers history, aside from the Cadogen Crusades.

Siege of Antioch
Part of Cadogen Server

Cadogen's military base.
Date: September 30th, 2017
Location: Antioch
Result: Capitulation of Antioch
Territory changes: Antioch pillaged and rendered uninhabitable
Antioch Cadogen
joestanly04 bcfoss, nobel617
1 death, pillaged base ~10 deaths


The Siege of Antioch occured at 22:00, September 30th, 2017 following a rapid deterioration in relations between Antioch and the Kingdom of Cadogen. The majority of the information regarding this siege comes from chronicles made by bcfoss following the siege, during the lifespan of the Cadogen Server.

Cadogen Fire

While joestanly04 was visiting Cadogen, bcfoss set fire to nobel617’s home, oddly enough the blame of this action was shifted onto joestanly04. This united the warring parties within Cadogen to fight united against a foreign enemy; Antioch. joestanly04 was demanded to become a vassal of Cadogen, to which in trying to avoid war he agrees to.

Steel Demand

joestanly04 was the only person in the server who could efficiently make large quantities of steel, necessary for various military and missile-based applications. As a vassal it was expected of him by the greater authority in Cadogen to cough up hearty sums of the metal, which was being used to advance Cadogen's missile launch infrastructure. Antioch was a vassal in name, but danced around the subject of lending steel to the mainland, instead offering to help them use NEI to learn how to make more of it for themselves. This avoidance of the issue was not appreciated by Cadogen and tensions began to increase via the exchange of veiled threats and the percieved impertinance of joestanly04 towards his liege lords of Cadogen.

Spy Mission

bcfoss looking at the Antioch complex, armed with the Webley and Steel Rapier.

The tension eventually boiled over into a military reconaissance mission by bcfoss, armed by nobel617's arsenal of firearms. Lacking aim nor direction, the mission was an utter failure as bcfoss was killed by joestanly04 off of the coast of Antioch. From this, joestanly04 seized a Cadogen military-issue Webley and in doing so escalated the conflict. In addition to the stolen pistol was a highly valued steel sword taken from bcfoss. Over this fallout, war was declared by Cadogen upon Antioch.

Beginning of War

The war began as both sides began to prepare for conflict. Antioch, being only a 1 person settlement prepared for defense to the utmost of its capabilities, with joestanly04 discovering the incredible innovation of throwing rocks at the enemy. Antioch attempted to hide a small warchest of valuables within the lower levels of the facility on the island itself, but there was not enough time for all worthwile assets to be stowed away there. On the other side of the sea, Cadogen prepared its missiles and began preparations for a landing on Antioch.

Missile Launches

bcfoss looking at the missile sent towards Antioch.

Both nations fired their missiles at eachother around the same time, Antioch shot an anti-ballistic missile which failed to lock on to Cadogen's fired explosive missile. Both missiles made their marks on the opposing sides base, causing a disappointingly minimal amount of damage on each side. Following the missile attacks, the forces of Cadogen readied to embark to war; planning to land on Antioch.

1st Assault

After the missiles appeared to be obvious failures, the first assault began. The first assault was the most prepared for, with a breaching charge being brought and both King nobel617 and bcfoss being well armed for the task. If not for the coming tactical error, the war could have ended much quicker. nobel617 planted the breaching charge and then detonated it close to bcfoss, killing him immediately. Now matched in numbers, Antioch's defender, joestanly04 rained down rocks on nobel617 with impunity. The first attack was a dismal failure. bcfoss and nobel617 argued with eachother over who was in the wrong as to cause the debacle but it can be reasonably assumed the blame is equally shared amongst the attacking Cadogen forces; simple malchance.

Following Assaults

Four following assaults were performed, with equally dismal results. With every assault repulsed, joestanly04 gained more time to repatch his defenses, and assume a new position at Antioch. On the third siege, Cadogen's forces were repelled by lava poured from the roof down on the invaders and with a hearty barrage of rocks. The fourth and fifth assaults were repelled similarly.

Antioch Falls

The sixth assault achieved a breakthrough into the walls of Antioch's complex, joestanly04's base. Though obsidian was scattered across the wall, the defenders eventually made it through and as joestanly04 managed to kill one of the invaders with rocks, he was defeated in a melee and his bed, and all of his machinery and loot was plundered or destroyed.


joestanly04 was furious after all of his work had been destroyed, and after starting again at world spawn he would destroy all of Cadogen's missile systems with his bare hand before making off into the wilderness and disconnecting, this ended the war.

Consequences of the Siege

Following the victory of Cadogen, its forces quickly fractured, with nobel617 parting ways, eventually founding Japin. bcfoss would remain in Cadogen, rendering it an isolationist, rather inhospitable place. joestanly04 would eventually found New Antioch, and before the eventual Nuclear Strike on New Japin, New Antioch would remain hostile to Cadogen and Japin. This hostility would eventually boil over into the New Antiochian Nuclear Strike on New Japin.