PrikPack v2
One of the greatest and most infamous servers hosted from the jusipat local host Period, PrikPack v2 was played in March of 2018 on PrikPack version skimmed milk to version 2.6 on Minecraft version 1.7.10.
The geography of the map consisted mostly of a central sea/ocean with a continent to the south and several islands to the north. The largest of these islands, Kaskara, was roughly 10 by 25 chunks in size.
Early History
Some things might have happened when the server first started, but they have been lost to time.
bcfoss settled in a natural spire of stone on the mountainous northern coast of the southern continent, hollowing it out into a lighthouse from which he could progress in Ars Magica. The lighthouse became known as Heide's Tower of Flame.
nobel617 wandered around the world, looting generated structures. While looting a dungeon he found the Sword of Kaskara. When he finally settled on the southern tip of a large island, he named it Kaskara.
joestanly04 found a small isolated island and began expanding it to create the settlement of Tyre, named after the classical city.
flufyking settled somewhere in the east(?) and began worshipping Console fanatically.
Main article: Tyre
joestanly04 founded Tyre in roughly the center of the ocean on a small island, between Kaskara and the southern continent. He expanded the island into a formidable island fortress.
Kaskaran Crusades
In the early days of settlment in Kaskara, it was engulfed in conflict.
Main article: Kaskaran Crusade
Server Problems
PrikPack v2 was a long lasting server, but nearing the end of the server and the planned offensive the server began continuously crashing and its stablity became non-existent. The server was stopped and PrikPack was revised to be ready for PrikPack v3 in April 2018.