Siege of Fionnbryn

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Siege of Fionnbryn
Part of Overlords 2

Forces of the Empire amassing at the gates of Fionnbryn
Date: Dec 2, 2023
Location: Fionnbryn and The Gragelplace
Result: Subjugation of the forest nations
Territory changes: Fionnbryn and The Gragelplace integrated into Karaz Wyr
Karaz Wyr, Poitevine Fionnbryn, The Gragelplace
flufyking, jusipat, bcfoss Wikaros
~3 recruits, 1 player death All recruits within Fionbrynn massacred, ~3 player deaths

The Siege of Fionnbryn was a war declared by the empire of Karaz Wyr against Fionnbryn and its forest ally The Gragelplace. Due to lack of preparation, Fionnbryn and the Gragelplace were unable to defend themselves and became subjects of the Empire following the short conflict.

Beginning of the Conflict

Following the Dwarven-Family War and the Empire's victory, the Sovereign flufyking began preparations for a campaign of subjugation over the Forest People's of the South. Wikaros was underground mining when the war was declared and the Empire's army soon arrived at Fionnbryn.

Poitevine's army occupying the Fionnbryn Citadel

Cflip_ of the Gragelplace also joined soon after and relocated all of the Forest Alliance's riches to a hidden location in a cave on the moon. During this time, Cflip_ and flufyking could not agree on whether the Gragelplace was involved in the war or not, but ultimately bcfoss came to the Gragelplace and burned out all of the wooden floors and buildings.

After Wikaros had made peace with the Empire, Cflip_ still refused to join the empire. After hiding on the moon for most of the war, he landed back on Earth in a remote location south of the Hallowed Vale and set up a hidden base. Cflip_ attempted to fight back against the empire, however upon his arrival in Poitevine he realized he had no plan and was killed by flufyking. The next day Cflip_ decided that the Gragelplace would officially join the empire.