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The hilltop fort of Shanbao.

Shanbao (Chinese: 山堡国) was the oldest surviving nation on the Minecraft Attack server, established by Cflip_. Its name comes from the central hilltop fort, and means "Mountain Fort" when translated into English. The nation originally only spoke Mandarin Chinese, but after the removal of the no-English rule on Minecraft Attack its members also speak English. Shanbao was one of the only two nations to have survived The Calamity. During the zenith of Shanbao, it was the most powerful nation on the server, with a great wall being constructed to the north. Following its catastrophic defeat during the Siege of the Gouffre, Shanbao assumed the mantle of the primary international diplomatic hub with the construction of the Shanbao Diplomatic Centre, where nations from across the world discuss international matters in the post-war period.


Early Settlement

Shanbao was established by Cflip_ atop a hill near the south-eastern corner of the world. At this time, the nations of Minecraft Attack mostly kept to themselves, and Shanbao was no exception. Cflip_ simply built up the hill fort while keeping friendly relations with Épinette-sur-quès. For the first few days of the server, Shanbao only consisted of Cflip_ and the hill fort.

Golden Age

junair3 and Riverify would later join the server, and Shanbao expanded past the hill fort. junair3 built a new fort on an island further along the river, and Riverify founded the new faction 好机油. Cflip_ turned a hill near the river into another fort, and a boat dock was built next to it. A grand bridge was constructed across the river to connect Shanbao to 好机油, with an underground railway which has yet to be finished. The railway was planned to connect with Épinette-sur-quès and Old Japan, but these nations collapsed before the railway was able to be completed.

Involvement in The Calamity

Main article: The Calamity

Cflip_ was one of the original three conspirators in The Calamity, and joined jusipat and Kjolt947 to attack Old Japan. After Old Japan and Épinette-sur-quès were destroyed in the great fire, jusipat and Cflip_ retreated to the hill fort in Shanbao to defend. Damage to Shanbao was minimal, with only the inside floor of the main building getting burned.

Siege of the Gouffre

Main article: Siege of the Gouffre

Cflip_ once again joined an effort for chaos with Wikaros and bcfoss for the Siege of the Gouffre. The success of the siege was betting on Cflip_'s superior weapons and armour, however he would lose all of these items in battle. Cflip_ got his armour back in the peace treaty, but had to pay L'Empire de la Citroye reparations for the attack.