Shanbao Diplomatic Centre

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The meeting room of the diplomatic centre.

Shanbao Information and Diplomatic Centre (Chinese: 山堡国的信息中心和外交中心) is a building in Shanbao built by Cflip_ and jusipat to house international meetings.


Incorporation of Melondeau

Citroye, Melondeau, Sableterre‎‎ and Kurokaigan gathered at the Diplomatic Centre to discuss the integration of Kjolt947's nation into the Citroye Empire. This resulted in the successful signing of the First Treaty of Shanbao. During this meeting, which has since been recorded, bcfoss also announced his plan of the Subjugation of Kurokaigen.

Siege of the Gouffre‎‎

Cflip_, Wikaros and bcfoss met in the Diplomatic Centre to discuss their plans for the attack on Citroye.

Following their defeat, the Diplomatic Centre was used to write the Second Treaty of Shanbao to resolve the Siege of the Gouffre